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Heavy Haulers Gathering 2023 Spring Hill Suites, Fort Worth Stockyards - October 17, 18 & 19 -


All Marines

After Action Report

This year's Gathering in Fort Worth was another ABSOLUTE success.

This year we had about 40 folks show up at the Gathering. Our numbers are dwindling, but that is why we have these Gatherings.

That said, we had a surplus of $2400 remaining after the Gathering and it was divided equally to the Semper Fi Fund East & West.

The mahogany helo was won by Ted Huss at the Thursday night banquet .

We have a number of people to commend for their dedication and support in making the 2021 event the success it was. Mike LaRusso was a great help in keeping the hospitality suite alive and well. Additionally Jack Lane is to be commended for his generous support in making the Gathering a success. Ben Collins could not make the trip due to health reasons, but he did donate a $1000 to the Semper Fi Fund.

Also a few others that had to cancel at the last minute had there funds directed to the Semper Fi Fund.

Each time we do this, we get folks to attend for the first time. We need to keep it up.

Lastly, we cannot fail to thank the folks at the Spring Hill Suites hotel for their help and support. The two banquets were well received by all. Once again the menus were very tasty.

It was my honor and privilege to host and MC this event and I was pleased to see how the attendees enjoyed themselves.

Last but not least thank you for coming. Without those who attended there would not be a reunion. We had a few that had to drop out because of illness and that makes it just that much more necessary to have these. Seeing old friends and meeting new ones.

Keep an eye here as we already have a consensus to do this again in 2025. General consensus was that it be held in the DFW area again to take advantage of the Fort Worth Aviation Museum and "Patches" BuNo 153715 at that location and of course the Stockyards.

-------- Also, check back - 2023 pics coming

Thanks Again and Semper Fidelis! Mike Amtower

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